Music, Composition and Theory

Rowy van Hest
Nederlands English

Piano Solo

24 Musical Postcards for Piano

These 24 compositions, although thoroughly constructed, are so short that they would fit on a postcard. Print them on paper, cut them out, write the address on the other side, and send a musical postcard to family or friends (even the free musical postcards). Or, play them yourself.

Download 6 Postcards (pdf) for free. Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, 23 and 24. Download all 24 soundfiles (zip: 23.5 mb) for free.

The collection is diverse. Please listen to the examples: playful and sentimental music, melodic voice leading, and modern harmonies.

Postcard 05: Melodic voice-leading. In D Minor.
Postcard 07: Playful music. In G Major.
Postcard 24: Modern harmonies. In Ab Major.

Please support this website and buy the 24 Musical Postcards for Piano (pdf) for $ 4.95

12 Voluntaries for Piano or Digital Keyboard

The album consists of 36 compositions for piano or digital keyboard, without the use of pedals. Written for a maximum of four octaves, these voluntaries can even be performed on a smaller keyboard. The style is tonal, light, and contrapuntal, featuring pieces in 12 different keys. Numbers 9 to 12 are harmonically slightly more advanced.

Download 3 Voluntaries (pdf) for free. Nos. 5, 7, and 9. Download all 12 soundfiles (zip: 44.5 mb) for free.

Voluntary 05: Andante, Adagietto, Allegretto. In A Minor.
Voluntary 07: Allegretto, Andante, Allegro. In G Minor.
Voluntary 09: Andante, Adagietto, Allegretto. In C Minor.

Please support this website and buy the 12 Voluntaries for Piano or Digital Keyboard (pdf) for $ 4.95

Content - 100 Compositions for Piano

An album for piano with 100 compositions. Easy and more advanced pieces, which makes this album perfect for piano lessons. Have fun with "Wild Horses", "A Christmas Minuet", "Summer Forest" and many more.

Download (pdf) a preview with 3 complete compositions.

Buy the Album + 100 midis for $ 4.95 - instant download.

Please remember that midi sounds mechanical. These are better sounding examples:

21. Allegretto Romantico - Song Without Words I (mp3)
81. Andante Drammatico - Vampire: The Crypt
12. Allegro Deciso - The Steam Train - YouTube Music Score
23. Andante Pastorale - Four Seasons: Spring Forest
100. Andante Flebile - Vampire: Dawn
22. Minuetto per il Natale - A Christmas Minuet
88. Allegro Leggiero - Mountain Creek
70. Andante Esaltato - Four Seasons: Summer Forest
64. Andante Gaio - Honky Tonk Rondo
77. Allegro Energico - Wild Horses
31. Andantino Affettuoso - Song without Words II, to my daughter
93. Allegretto Nobile - On Horseback

Download these 12 soundfiles for free (zip).

6 Little Preludes for Piano Solo

Contrapuntal preludes for piano. If you like Bach's 6 little preludes, you'll like these too. Download the free piano album (PDF) and the free MP3 (zip).

01. Prelude in G Major - (mp3)
02. Prelude in D Minor
03. Prelude in E Major
04. Prelude in D Minor II
05. Prelude in C Major
06. Prelude in C Major II (white keys only)

The Calendar - 366 Compositions

For a year, I wrote a composition for piano every day. As such, The Calendar consists of 365 compositions + 1 (leap year). Because the compositions were written on the day, this album is also a diary. What did I write on your birthday?

2 do-it-yourself compositions per month have been added to the diary. I made the start, can you or your pupil finish them?

A number of compositions were written in a unusual time signature. Video with score: June 11 in 7/16, May 1 in 3/2, April 18 in 5/8.

Download 3 compositions with unusual time signatures for free (pdf). Please listen to April 18 first. That one is difficult.

Download the free index (pdf). 79 pages with 366 examples of keys, time signatures, rhythms and patterns that might inspire you. You may use the beginning of each composition copyright free!

Download an image of January 1st (png). If you can play this, you can play all the pieces from The Calendar.

The complete Calendar costs $ 4.95 - instant download.

12 examples:

14 January (mp3)
6 February
6 March
15 April
1 May
8 June
15 July
10 August
10 September
11 October
20 November
19 December

Download these 12 soundfiles for free (zip).

Piano Albums - 3 Albums in One Purchase!

Melodies - 12 short and melodic pieces for piano in 12 different keys. Some compositions are melodies, others resemble Baroque Airs.

Melody no. 5 in D Major (mp3), free download (pdf)

Things that matter - 9 short compositions inspired by everyday life.

2. Singing in the Shower (mp3), free download (pdf)
9. It's snowing!

Going Places - 7 short compositions inspired by day trips.

3. (The Bells of) The Basilica, (video music score)
6. The Park (mp3)

Three Piano Albums for $ 4.95 - instant download.


Single Compositions/Not for Sale/Some Free:
Sarabande (mp3), free download (pdf)
Tema Ostinato - YouTube Video (by a fan)
Autumn - Sun in the City
City Life - December (mp3), free download (pdf)
Rondo - For my Son